Описание и характеристики

Claudia Hampton - beautiful, famous, independent, dying. But she remains defiant to the last, telling her nurses that she will write a history of the world and in the process, my own. And it is her story from a childhood just after the First World War through the Second and beyond. But Claudias life is entwined with others and she must allow those who knew her, loved her, the chance to speak, to put across their point of view. There is Gordon, brother and adversary; Jasper, her untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool conventional daughter; and then there is Tom, her one great love, found and lost in wartime Egypt.
ID товара 2520772
Издательство Penguin Books
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-24-197368-4
Количество страниц 207
Размер 18x11x1.3
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 119

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Одна из лучших книг для меня
Эта книга произвела на меня огромное впечатление, которое не померкло с годами и десятками других прочитанных книг. Здесь есть всё - увлекательный сюжет, яркая героиня, великолепный литературный стиль, богатый язык.
Это история о том, как жить с широко раскрытыми глазами и смело принимать то, что дарит тебе судьба. О великой силе памяти. И о любви, конечно.
Claudia Hampton - beautiful, famous, independent, dying. But she remains defiant to the last, telling her nurses that she will write a history of the world and in the process, my own. And it is her story from a childhood just after the First World War through the Second and beyond. But Claudias life is entwined with others and she must allow those who knew her, loved her, the chance to speak, to put across their point of view. There is Gordon, brother and adversary; Jasper, her untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool conventional daughter; and then there is Tom, her one great love, found and lost in wartime Egypt.