Stories of the Chinese: Intensive Audiovisual and Reading Course of Intermediate Chinese - Textbook 1 / Истории китайского народа Часть 1 - Книга с DV

Описание и характеристики

This series of textbooks is adapted from a CCTV documentary program of the same name, including two volumes and altogether 16 lessons. It tells the stories about more than 20 Chinese people from all walks of life, ranging from taxi driver, retiree and fitness coach to fashion designer, collector and archaeologist, etc. The accompanying DVD videos present the authentic life, work and spirit of modern Chinese people in an audio-visual and lively way. Through an innovative combination of audiovisual and reading materials, the series turns "reading" texts into "watching" texts and integrates Chinese language learning into the learning of China's conditions and culture, therefore can largely enhance the instructive effect and deepen the students' understanding of China.
ID товара 2602789
Издательство BLCUP
Год издания
ISBN 978-7-56-192456-3
Размер 28.5x21x1
Вес, г 509

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This series of textbooks is adapted from a CCTV documentary program of the same name, including two volumes and altogether 16 lessons. It tells the stories about more than 20 Chinese people from all walks of life, ranging from taxi driver, retiree and fitness coach to fashion designer, collector and archaeologist, etc. The accompanying DVD videos present the authentic life, work and spirit of modern Chinese people in an audio-visual and lively way. Through an innovative combination of audiovisual and reading materials, the series turns "reading" texts into "watching" texts and integrates Chinese language learning into the learning of China's conditions and culture, therefore can largely enhance the instructive effect and deepen the students' understanding of China.