Tales of Long Ago

Описание и характеристики

Although he is best-known to the public as the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories and other pioneering works of detective fiction, Arthur Conan Doyle successfully contributed to other genres, such as historical fiction, as demonstrated by this collection which he compiled in 1922. These vivid and enthralling stories - many of them dealing with ancient Romans, with others featuring Tyrians, Carthaginians, Huns or Scottish clansmen - showcase the author's knack for bringing to life diverse times and places and crafting timeless narratives. Tales of Long Ago is an entertaining and invaluable read for all those interested in this lesser-known facet of Conan Doyle's writing. .
ID товара 2617412
Издательство Alma Books
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-84-749410-8
Количество страниц 188
Размер 19.9x12.8x1.5
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
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836 ₽
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Артур Конан Дойль больше известен у нас как автор знаменитых в нашей стране и экранизированных произведений о сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе и его постоянном спутнике Докторе Джоне Ватсоне. Однако Артур Конан Дойль всю жизнь считал себя прежде всего историчечким писателем. Ибо большая часть его наследия это именно историческая проза. В данном произведении Конан Дойль предстает пред нами как историк фантаст.
Although he is best-known to the public as the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories and other pioneering works of detective fiction, Arthur Conan Doyle successfully contributed to other genres, such as historical fiction, as demonstrated by this collection which he compiled in 1922. These vivid and enthralling stories - many of them dealing with ancient Romans, with others featuring Tyrians, Carthaginians, Huns or Scottish clansmen - showcase the author's knack for bringing to life diverse times and places and crafting timeless narratives. Tales of Long Ago is an entertaining and invaluable read for all those interested in this lesser-known facet of Conan Doyle's writing. .