Watching the Movie and Learning Chinese: Flowers in the Cloud - Book&DVD/Смотрим фильм и учим китайский язык. Цветы в облаке - Рабочая тетрадь с упраж

Описание и характеристики

.The movie FLOWERS IN THE CLOUD is a great comedy film reflecting the urban life in contemporary China. It was nominated as an excellent film for the Sixth Huabiao Film Awards of China. Using vivid and practical language, this interesting film can be used as an audio-visual teaching material of intermediate Chinese. This book selects 9 excerpts from the movie, adds detailed annotation and provides diversified exercises based on the audio-visual materials. The accompanying DVD contains 2 versions of the movie: a complete version to be watched for appreciation, and a reedited version for use in the classroom. The book is best suited for learners of Chinese with a vocabulary of 3000 words, and can be used for class as well as for self study.
ID товара 2602449
Издательство BLCUP
Год издания
ISBN 978-7-56-192697-0
Количество страниц 94
Размер 26x18.5x0.5
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 219
2 309 ₽
+ до 346 бонусов
Последний экземпляр
В магазины сети, бесплатно
В пункты выдачи, 140 ₽
Доставка курьером, 225 ₽

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.The movie FLOWERS IN THE CLOUD is a great comedy film reflecting the urban life in contemporary China. It was nominated as an excellent film for the Sixth Huabiao Film Awards of China. Using vivid and practical language, this interesting film can be used as an audio-visual teaching material of intermediate Chinese. This book selects 9 excerpts from the movie, adds detailed annotation and provides diversified exercises based on the audio-visual materials. The accompanying DVD contains 2 versions of the movie: a complete version to be watched for appreciation, and a reedited version for use in the classroom. The book is best suited for learners of Chinese with a vocabulary of 3000 words, and can be used for class as well as for self study.