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Boronikhina T., Goryachkina V., Ivanova M., Kuznetsov S. et al: Histology, cytology and embryology. Textbook аnd guide (with control problems, tests and pictures)

Артикул: p6465631

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Histology, cytology and embryology. Textbook аnd guide (with control problems, tests and pictures) - фото 1
Histology, cytology and embryology. Textbook аnd guide (with control problems, tests and pictures) - фото 2
Histology, cytology and embryology. Textbook аnd guide (with control problems, tests and pictures) - фото 3

О товаре

The textbook and guide (with control problems, tests, and pictures) have been created by the professors of department of histology, cytology, and embryology of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) according to course of histology, cytology, and embryology for medical students and recommended for use during studying of these subjects in the medical faculties and universities.

The English version was edited by E.V. Babchenko.


Boronikhina T., Goryachkina V., Ivanova M., Kuznetsov S. et al
Год издания:
Количество страниц:
145x210 мм
0.49 кг

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