Earth Wisdom Oracle

Описание и характеристики

EARTH WISDOM ORACLE is an oracle deck of great visual power, full of mystery and spirituality. It is a creative synergy between writer, Barbara Moore a renowned, American tarot and divination expert and the young , talented, Italian artist, Cristina Scagliotti. The EARTH WISDOM ORACLE draws its inspiration from three different spiritual traditions Crystals every card connects to a crystal or gemstone and to their energy Herbs and plants Each card connects to a herb or plant and to its magical and mystical properties Celtic tradition and symbols The ancient Celts were a culture with a deep connection to nature and with a truly spiritual and magical vision of life and the Divine 32 full colour cards and instructions
ID товара 2949449
Год издания
ISBN 978-88-6527-474-3
Размер 0.6x10x13.4
Вес, г 270
2 814 ₽
2 829 ₽
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В магазины сети, бесплатно
В пункты выдачи, 140 ₽
Доставка курьером, 225 ₽
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3 оценки
EARTH WISDOM ORACLE is an oracle deck of great visual power, full of mystery and spirituality. It is a creative synergy between writer, Barbara Moore a renowned, American tarot and divination expert and the young , talented, Italian artist, Cristina Scagliotti. The EARTH WISDOM ORACLE draws its inspiration from three different spiritual traditions Crystals every card connects to a crystal or gemstone and to their energy Herbs and plants Each card connects to a herb or plant and to its magical and mystical properties Celtic tradition and symbols The ancient Celts were a culture with a deep connection to nature and with a truly spiritual and magical vision of life and the Divine 32 full colour cards and instructions