Metamorphosis: a story of one night


Описание и характеристики

On December 31, when only some hours were left to the New Year the police patrols who were on night shift took anybody whom they doubted to the police department. The people who were caught by the police belonged to different age, sex and groups. A woman who had been forgotten by her relatives... A wan who got the wound of love.. Another man who couldn't find his place in life... A young guy who was the victim of false love. A young girl who was deceived for her naivety. Though they belong to different age, to different groups of the society, there is one thing that unites them: GRIEF... All of them are chased by the society, but none of them broke the law. Different from the others they are sure that a new truth is the child of the old lie. And they made up mind to gather all sorrowful people around them. Let them share their grief which they can't bear when they are lonely.
ID товара 2785670
Год издания
ISBN 978-5-00-153106-7
Количество страниц 102
Размер 21x14.7x0.6
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Тираж 9
Вес, г 140
Возрастные ограничения 16+
535 ₽
880 ₽
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В магазины сети, бесплатно
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В пункты выдачи, 140 ₽
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Доставка курьером, 225 ₽
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On December 31, when only some hours were left to the New Year the police patrols who were on night shift took anybody whom they doubted to the police department. The people who were caught by the police belonged to different age, sex and groups. A woman who had been forgotten by her relatives... A wan who got the wound of love.. Another man who couldn't find his place in life... A young guy who was the victim of false love. A young girl who was deceived for her naivety. Though they belong to different age, to different groups of the society, there is one thing that unites them: GRIEF... All of them are chased by the society, but none of them broke the law. Different from the others they are sure that a new truth is the child of the old lie. And they made up mind to gather all sorrowful people around them. Let them share their grief which they can't bear when they are lonely.