Little Storage 500ML Oil Vinegar Bottles Black

IID: 00047381
47 .00 AED
VAT Included


Little Storage Co.
oil and liquid spice container


Chic and convenient design. The Little Storage 500ML Oil and Vinegar Bottles Black is a sleek, chic design that would grace kitchen counters in homes, bars and restaurants. The tall bottle, with minimal design is great for storing oils like cooking oil, flavored oil like garlic oil, chilly oil and others, vinegar, seasonings, condiments and preservatives. Keep it in the kitchen in the cabinet or on the table, either way, it takes up little space while adding a sophisticated look to the kitchen area. The outer part of the bottle is coated with a black film to prevent light from passing through. This smart design keeps the contents of the bottle fresh for longer. The matte black pourer can be refitted by twisting and pushing down to seal in the oil and prevent spills. Using a sleek bottle like this one will give you more control over your oil intake and prevent wastage. Suits all home interiors. The sophisticated design of the Little Storage 500ML Oil and Vinegar Bottles Black can suit all interiors and surfaces like marble, wood, ceramic, tiles, and any color especially if they are neutral, white or black. These bottles would be great for parties as they would make a great conversation piece and complement the vibe regardless if its a wedding, anniversary, and other holiday festive occasions. A pleasant gift for family and friends. This sleek black bottle would be a brilliant gift for people for birthdays and other festive occasions. This would also be a great gift for housewarming parties, weddings, newlywed couples, fathers day, mothers day and other occasions. Since the bottle is jet black, you can even present a decorated version of the bottle with your own custom vinyl decals, painting and illustration which you can seal onto the bottle for a more festive look. Spread some happiness and good kitchen ideas with the Little Storage 500ML Oil and Vinegar Bottles Black. (1). A string, sleek and sturdy black gloss oil and vinegar bottle. (2). Suitable to store flavored oils as well. (3). Fitted with a slim matte black pourer at the top. (4). The black coating on the outer surface of the bottle prevents light from going through keeping your condiments and preservatives fresh. (5). Push down and twist Puerto sit on bottle.


General characteristics

Little Storage Co.
oil and liquid spice container

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